- GEO 442/PHY 442: GeodynamicsAn advanced introduction to setting up and solving boundary value problems relevant to the solid earth sciences. Topics include heat flow, fluid flow, elasticity and plate flexure, and rock rheology, with applications to mantle convection, magma transport, lithospheric deformation, structural geology, and fault mechanics.
- ISC 231/CHM 231/COS 231/MOL 231/PHY 231: An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to the Natural Sciences IAn integrated, mathematically and computationally sophisticated introduction to physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and computer science. This year long, four course sequence is a multidisciplinary course taught across multiple departments with the following faculty: COS: O. Troyanskaya; EEB: J. Akey; LSI: B. Bratton, J. Gadd, A. Mayer, Q. Wang; MOL: E. Wieschaus, M. Wuhr; PHY: T. Gregor, J. Shaevitz. Five hours of lecture, one three-hour lab, one three-hour precept, one required evening problem session.
- ISC 232/CHM 232/COS 232/MOL 232/PHY 232: An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to the Natural Sciences IAn integrated, mathematically and computationally sophisticated introduction to physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and computer science. This year long, four course sequence is a multidisciplinary course taught across multiple departments with the following faculty: COS: O. Troyanskaya; EEB: J. Akey; LSI: B. Bratton, J. Gadd, A. Mayer, Q. Wang; MOL: E. Wieschaus, M. Wuhr; PHY: T. Gregor, J. Shaevitz. Five hours of lecture, one three-hour lab, one three-hour precept, one required evening problem session.
- PHY 101: Introductory Physics IThe course is concerned with an introduction to the fundamental laws underlying physics and having general application to other areas of science. The treatment is complete and detailed; however, less mathematical preparation is assumed than for PHY 103-104. Mechanics and thermodynamics are treated quantitatively with a special emphasis on problem solving. In the spring semester PHY 102 covers electricity and magnetism, optics and quantum physics using the topics treated in PHY 101.
- PHY 103: General Physics ITo understand the basic physics needed for further study in science and engineering. Logical, quantitative approach to problem solving. Applying fundamental concepts to idealized, practical problems.
- PHY 105: Advanced Physics (Mechanics)PHY105 is an advanced first year course in classical mechanics, taught at a more sophisticated level than PHY103. A prior calculus-based physics course, such as AP physics C or an intro college-level course, is assumed. The approach of PHY105 is that of an upper-division physics course, with more emphasis on the underlying formal structure of physics than PHY103, including an introduction to modern variational methods (Lagrangian dynamics), with challenging problem sets due each week and a mini-course in Special Relativity held over reading period.
- PHY 112: Gravity and The CosmosAn introduction for non-scientists to what is known and not known about gravity and the evolution of the universe. The course will trace the discoveries that led to current understanding and the puzzles we hope to solve in the 21st century. Each class will consist of a combination of lecture, discussion, hands-on demonstrations, and group activities.
- PHY 115A/STC 115A: Physics for Future LeadersWhat do future leaders of our society need to know about physics and technology? The course is designed for non-scientists who will someday become our influential citizens and decision-makers. Whatever the field of endeavor, they will be faced with important decisions in which physics and technology play an important role. The purpose of this course is to present the key principles and the basic physical reasoning needed to interpret scientific and technical information and to make the best decisions. Topics include energy and power, atomic and subatomic matter, wave-like phenomena and light, and quantum phenomena.
- PHY 115B/STC 115B: Physics for Future LeadersWhat do future leaders of our society need to know about physics and technology? The course is designed for non-scientists who will someday become our influential citizens and decision-makers. Whatever the field of endeavor, they will be faced with important decisions in which physics and technology play an important role. The purpose of this course is to present the key principles and the basic physical reasoning needed to interpret scientific and technical information and to make the best decisions. Topics include energy and power, atomic and subatomic matter, wave-like phenomena and light, and quantum phenomena.
- PHY 207: From Classical to Quantum MechanicsA coherent treatment modern classical dynamics, emphasizing the classical concepts that pertain to quantum mechanics, while highlighting the fundamental differences between classical and quantum phenomenology. The course is intended for all second-year physics and astrophysics concentrators as part of the nominal 207/208 fall/spring sequence, as well as those students from other departments that are interested in the quantitative study of quantum mechanics and quantum computing. The class consists of a lecture, in-class demonstrations and discussion.
- PHY 209: Computational Physics SeminarIntroduction to Python coding and its application to data collection, analysis and statistical inference. The course consists of weekly hands-on labs that introduce the students to the Linux coding environment with Jupyter and Python modules. Labs involve configuring a Raspberry Pi to interface with hardware sensors to collect interrupt-driven measurements. Multivariate discriminators and confidence levels for hypothesis testing will be applied to data samples. Labs are drawn from different forms of sensors data from accelerometers and photodetectors to external sources including radio-astronomy and XRF analysis of Art Museum paintings.
- PHY 301: Thermal PhysicsA unified introduction to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, both classical and quantum. Topics include heat engines, black-body radiation, ideal Fermi and Bose gases, phase transitions, information and entropy, and Brownian motion.
- PHY 303: Advanced DynamicsThe course covers advanced topics in classical dynamics including an exploration of phenomena associated with deterministic chaos in non-integrable systems. Proficiency with Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics, multi-variable calculus, differential equations and linear algebra are assumed, although the math may be taken concurrently. Applications span a range of disciplines beyond physics, including climate science, parametric biological modeling, and behavioral economics. The class consists of a lecture, in-class demonstrations and discussion. The course is not open to first year students without permission of the physics DUS.
- PHY 305: Introduction to the Quantum TheoryThis course is a continuation of PHY 208. We will start by following the topics in Griffith and then explore a broader range of topics.
- PHY 312: Experimental PhysicsThis is an advanced course in experimental physics, including four experiments and an electronics lab. Examples of experiments include muon decay, beta decay, optical pumping, the Mossbauer effect, holography, positron annihilation, electron diffraction, single photon interference, NMR, the Josephson effect, pulsar measurements, and the observation of Galactic hydrogen. Weekly lectures will provide an overview of various experimental techniques and data analysis.
- PHY 408: Modern Classical DynamicsDiscussion of the most beautiful and important parts of classical dynamics: variational principles, ergodicity and chaos, fluid dynamics of vortices, shock waves and solitons as well as the theories of developed turbulence. The main goal of this course is to demonstrate incredible power and elegance of theoretical physics.
- PHY 502: Communicating Physics (Half-Term)Becoming an effective communicator requires time and practice refining a number of skills. This course focuses on the subset of skills most helpful for graduate students during their time at Princeton University. The primary goals of the course are: Learn to become superior communicators, learn to create a fair and inclusive environment, learn research-proven teaching methods, gain experience communicating in many different settings.
- PHY 503: Introduction to Classical MechanicsPreliminary exam preparatory seminar-style course. Review of classical mechanics emphasizing problem solving.
- PHY 504: Introduction to Electromagnetism (Half-Term)Preliminary exam preparatory course. Review of electromagnetism emphasizing problem-solving.
- PHY 505: Quantum MechanicsThe physical principles and mathematical formalism of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. The principles will be illustrated via selected applications to topics in atomic physics, particle physics and condensed matter.
- PHY 509: Quantum Field TheoryCanonical and path integral quantization of quantum fields, Feynman diagrams, gauge symmetry, elementary processes in quantum electro dynamics, applications to condensed matter theory
- PHY 511: Statistical MechanicsThe physical principles and mathematical formulation of statistical physics, with emphasis on applications in thermodynamics, condensed matter, physical chemistry and astrophysics. Topics that will be discussed include bose-einstein condensation, degenerate fermi systems, phase-transitions, and basics of kinetic theory. Students will be asked to participate in class discussion of challenging problems taken from past departmental generals exams (prelims).
- PHY 513: Quantum Mechanics: Principles and Problem Solving (Half Term)A graduate-level seminar-style course on quantum mechanics emphasizing problem-solving. Topics to be covered include the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, spin, electric and magnetic fields, time-independent perturbation theory, time-dependent perturbation theory, scattering, WKB and variational principles, and identical particles.
- PHY 514: Statistical Physics: Principles and Problem Solving (Half Term)A graduate-level seminar-style course on statistical physics emphasizing problem-solving. Topics to be covered include the laws of thermodynamics and their applications, the ensembles of classical and quantum statistical mechanics, ideal and weakly non-ideal gases, phase transitions, mean field and Landau theory, random walks and elementary transport theory.
- PHY 523: Introduction to RelativityThis course gives an introduction to Einstein's theory of general relativity. No prior knowledge of general relativity will be assumed, and an overview of the differential geometry needed to understand the field equations and spacetime geometries will be given. Beyond this, topics covered will include black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmological spacetimes.
- PHY 525: Introduction to Condensed Matter PhysicsElectronic structure of crystals, phonons, transport and magnetic properties, screening in metals, and superconductivity.
- PHY 535: Phase Transitions and the Renormalization GroupA graduate level introduction to the physics of phase transitions, critical phenomena and the renormalizaton group, which play a vital role in our understanding of various physical systems, from the universe to elementary particles to transitions between different phases of matter. This course, concentrating on such phase transitions, offers interested graduate students an introduction to the field, the basic principles, like universality and symmetry, and detailed description of the mathematical methodology, with emphasis on the renormalization group.
- PHY 539: Topics in High-Energy Physics: Gravity and Quantum MechanicsThis course is devoted to topics of current interest at the interface of general relativity and quantum mechanics. Topics include singularity theorems, general properties of classical black holes, an introduction to information theory and to the entanglement properties of quantum field theory, and an introduction to black hole thermodynamics. Students are urged to prepare for the course by reading the lecturer's article "Light Rays, Singularities, and All That,'' which covers the subject matter of the first few weeks of the course.
- PHY 557: Electronic Methods in Experimental PhysicsThis course is targeted for graduate students from all departments and undergraduate physics majors. The seminar introduces students to the basic techniques in electronics and instrumentation used to conduct experiments in the physical sciences. The course focuses on analog electronics and data acquisition. Students learn circuit construction and modelling techniques with emphasis on noise properties and fundamental performance limits. The class consists of a number of practical exercises followed by a final design project.
- PHY 558: Electronic Methods in Experimental Physics IIThis is a laboratory course that provides hands-on experience designing, building and testing digital logic circuits. The course meets for one three hour session each week and has weekly reading assignments. Topics covered include combinatorial and sequential logic devices, A/D and D/A converters, PLLs and microcontrollers. Grading is in P/D/F format as is based on solutions of several "design problems" assigned throughout the semester. Students are assumed to have some familiarity programming in a procedural language ( C, Pascal, FORTRAN, Java, etc.) This course complements PHY557 which concentrates on analog electronics.
- QCB 515/PHY 570/EEB 517/CHM 517/MOL 515: Method and Logic in Quantitative BiologyClose reading of published papers illustrating the principles, achievements, and difficulties that lie at the interface of theory and experiment in biology. Two important papers, read in advance by all students, will be considered each week; the emphasis will be on discussion with students as opposed to formal lectures. Topics include: cooperativity, robust adaptation, kinetic proofreading, sequence analysis, clustering, phylogenetics, analysis of fluctuations, and maximum likelihood methods. A general tutorial on Matlab and specific tutorials for the four homework assignments will be available.