Slavic Languages and Lit
- SLA 211/RES 222: The Individual vs. the State: Writings on Freedom and OppressionThis course features literary and philosophical works on the conflict between the individual and the state. We begin with theories of civil disobedience in ancient Greece and modern America, with readings from Plato, Sophocles, Thoreau, and Martin Luther King. What tools of resistance can be deployed in combating state injustice? We then examine the Russian and Soviet experiences. A rich tradition of prison writing (e.g. Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn) explores the clash between a powerful state and an embattled individual. What survival strategies (physical and spiritual) emerged in the Russian and Soviet contexts? All readings in English.
- SLA 219/RES 219: Pushkin, Gogol, DostoevskyThis is an introductory course, conducted entirely in English, on the classics of nineteenth-century Russian literature. No previous knowledge of Russian language, literature, culture, or history is expected. The focus of the course is on close readings of individual works. At the same time, we will pay attention to the way a distinctively Russian national tradition takes shape, in which writers consciously respond to their predecessors. All of these works have a firm position in the Russian cultural memory, and they have significantly contributed to Russian national identity.
- SLA 305: Russian HumorOne of the most fascinating and most difficult things for a student of a foreign culture is to understand the "national humor," as it is manifested in puns and idioms, literary works, films, and TV shows. The course examines Soviet and post-Soviet cultural history through the vehicle of Russian humor: What was considered funny in various historical periods? What are the peculiarities of the Russian comic tradition? What are the fixed settings and characters of the popular "anecdotes"? Class discussions will be supplemented by video and music presentations.
- SLA 319/RES 319: War, Love, and Revolutions: Eastern European and Russian CinemaThis course examines the complex, often subversive world of Eastern European and Russian cinema, where filmmakers navigated censorship to tell stories of war, love, and political upheaval. We'll explore how directors used style and narrative to reflect and challenge their societies. Classes include weekly screenings (with English subtitles), discussions, and opportunities for creative projects, offering students a deeper understanding of the region's cinematic and cultural legacy. Ideal for those interested in film, history, and critical analysis.
- SLA 345/ECS 354/RES 345: East European LiteratureThis seminar will examine 20th-century Eastern European history through literary works from a number of countries in the region, from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to present-day Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine and the Balkans. Readings will generally consist of one novel per week, but we will also look at a number of other genres, including the short story, poetry, the journal, and reportage. While discussing the historical and political dimensions of this period, we will consider the limits of what literature can depict, and a range of possible ethical and aesthetic responses to authoritarianism.
- SLA 350/RES 350: Russian Fairy TalesThe course introduces students to stories that every Russian is exposed to as a child. Seemingly simple, these narratives bear deep cultural significance. We will sample a dozen of Russian fairy tales belonging to the oral tradition. We will also read and discuss two fairy tales by Alexander Pushkin, as well as short excerpts from the works by the foremost Russian scholar of folklore Vladimir Propp. Readings and discussion will be in Russian. This course is envisioned as both a language and literature course.
- SLA 401: Junior Methods SeminarThe Junior Seminar is designed to prepare students to undertake independent research in Slavic Languages and Literatures. We will look at different methodological approaches within our field, formulate successful research questions, and develop the research skills necessary to write the Junior Paper. We will also devote one session to library resources and bibliographic citations.
- SLA 416/RES 416: DostoevskyThe goal of the course is to acquaint students with the evolution of Dostoevsky's writings. A multi-faceted approach is used for coming to grips with the works. The focus is on stylistic, ethical, religious, philosophical, and political dimensions of his art as well as on ways in which Dostoevsky fits into the cultural milieu of his time. Both non-Slavic Department and Departmental students are welcome.
- SLA 498: Senior Thesis I (Year-Long)The senior thesis (498-499) is a year-long project in which students complete a substantial piece of research and scholarship under the supervision and advisement of a Princeton faculty member. While a year-long thesis is due in the student's final semester of study, the work requires sustained investment and attention throughout the academic year. Required works-in-progress submissions, their due dates, as well as how students' grades for the semester are calculated are outlined below.
- SLA 515/ANT 515/COM 514: Language & Subjectivity: Theories of FormationThe purpose of the course is to examine key texts of the twentieth century that established the fundamental connection between language structures and practices on the one hand, and the formation of selfhood and subjectivity, on the other. In particular, the course focuses on theories that emphasize the role of formal elements in producing meaningful discursive and social effects. Works of Russian formalists and French (post)-structuralists are discussed in connection with psychoanalytic and anthropological theories of formation.
- SLA 535: Methods of Teaching SlavicA practical course required of graduate students who are teaching Beginner's Russian. The course covers all issues relevant to the teaching of the language: phonetics and grammar presentation, efficient use of class time, class and syllabus planning, writing quizzes and tests. In addition to weekly meetings with the instructors, students are expected to meet as a group to develop best practices for covering each week's material. An important part of the course is instructor's supervision of teaching.