Intensive Third-year Modern Chinese I in Beijing
CHI 305C
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A four-week summer intensive language course for heritage speakers, conducted on campus of Beijing Normal University in Beijing, China. This course introduces the complex fabric that makes up modern China. Through texts in Eyes on China (C.P. Chou, Jincheng Liu, and Xin Zou, Princeton University Press), students learn the vocabulary needed to discuss various issues that people face in contemporary China and the United States, as presented in Chinese media. Using multimedia materials, this course level aims to elevate students' output from sentence level to short paragraph level, both in speaking and writing. Heritage track.
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Sections tab content
Section C01
- Type: Class
- Section: C01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 50
- Class Number: 10052
Section D99
- Type: Drill
- Section: D99
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 50
- Class Number: 10051