Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
CHM 503/CBE 524/MSE 514
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Prediction of the structure and properties of equilibrium and nonequilibrium states of matter. Topics include Gibbs ensembles; microscopic basis of thermodynamics; Boltzmann statistics; ideal gases; Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics; models of solids; blackbody radiation; Bose condensation; conduction in metals; virial expansion; distribution functions; liquids; structural glasses; sphere packings and jamming; computer simulation techniques; critical phenomena; percolation theory; Ising model; renormalization group methods; irreversible processes; Brownian motion; Fokker-Planck and Boltzmann equations.
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Section L01
- Type: Lecture
- Section: L01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 7
- Capacity: 20
- Class Number: 21282
- Schedule: TTh 11:00 AM-12:20 PM - Jadwin Hall 343