Macroeconomic Theory II
ECO 504
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This course is the second term of a two-term sequence in macroeconomics. Topics include theories of aggregate dynamics with or without heterogeneity as well as with or without price stickiness; the interaction between financial market, labor market and aggregate fluctuations; and the roles of fiscal and monetary policies.
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Sections tab content
Section L01
- Type: Lecture
- Section: L01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 24
- Capacity: 35
- Class Number: 40359
- Schedule: MW 10:40 AM-12:10 PM - Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building 198
Section P01
- Type: Precept
- Section: P01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 24
- Capacity: 35
- Class Number: 43431
- Schedule: W 05:10 PM-06:00 PM - Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building 198
Section P99
- Type: Precept
- Section: P99
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 0
- Class Number: 40392