Slavery, Anti-Slavery, and Post-Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic
SPA 556/LAS 556/AAS 554
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This course introduces students to important texts from the immense body of scholarship on slavery, anti-slavery movements, and post-emancipation culture in the Iberian Atlantic world, focusing primarily on the "slave societies"of 19th-century Cuba and Brazil and their connections to the greater Caribbean. Grounded in historiography, the course includes literature, court documents, visual culture, studies of post-emancipation movements, theories from the black radical tradition, and films about Latin American slavery. Sub-topics include insurrections, autobiography, religion, the role of translators, conucos/provision grounds, fashion.
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Section S01
- Type: Seminar
- Section: S01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 9
- Capacity: 20
- Class Number: 41317
- Schedule: T 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - East Pyne Building 339