Topics in Policy Analysis (Half-Term): The Economics of Education
SPI 594N
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This course explores three questions in the economics of education: What are the
economic returns to education? How do people's valuations of education relate to economists'
measures of returns? how are individuals' choices and educational outcomes mediated by
information? We pay special attention to higher education policy and to choice-based
reforms in K-12 education. Do these reforms 'work?' If not, why not? Topics include signaling and human capital theories, valuation of school quality, charter/magnet schools, and
informational and financial frictions in higher education.
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Section S01
- Type: Seminar
- Section: S01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 6
- Capacity: 15
- Class Number: 41749
- Schedule: W 01:00 PM-04:00 PM - McCosh Hall 64