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Microeconomic Theory

ECO 300

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This course builds on your knowledge of microeconomics from ECO 100. As with ECO 100, this course will focus on the decisions made by individual consumers and producers. It will consider a variety of different market structures ranging from perfect competition to monopoly. It will also discuss the rationale for government involvement when there are market failures. While the topics will be very similar to those covered in ECO 100, the analysis will be more in depth.
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Sections tab content

Section C01

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C01
  • Status: C
  • Enrollment: 28
  • Capacity: 25
  • Class Number: 20597
  • Schedule: W 09:00 AM-09:50 AM

Section C02

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C02
  • Status: C
  • Enrollment: 26
  • Capacity: 25
  • Class Number: 20594
  • Schedule: W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM

Section C02A

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C02A
  • Status: C
  • Enrollment: 26
  • Capacity: 25
  • Class Number: 22361
  • Schedule: W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM

Section C03

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C03
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 22
  • Capacity: 30
  • Class Number: 22362
  • Schedule: W 11:00 AM-11:50 AM

Section C03A

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C03A
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 22
  • Capacity: 30
  • Class Number: 22907
  • Schedule: W 11:00 AM-11:50 AM

Section C04

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C04
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 17
  • Capacity: 25
  • Class Number: 20598
  • Schedule: W 01:30 PM-02:20 PM

Section C05

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C05
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 0
  • Capacity: 25
  • Class Number: 20595
  • Schedule: W 02:30 PM-03:20 PM

Section C99

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C99
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 0
  • Capacity: 30
  • Class Number: 22908

Section L01

  • Type: Lecture
  • Section: L01
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 141
  • Capacity: 175
  • Class Number: 20593
  • Schedule: TTh 11:00 AM-12:20 PM