Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
MOL 214/EEB 214/CBE 214
Info tab content
Important concepts and elements of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, and cell biology, are examined in an experimental context. This course fulfills the basic biology requirement for students majoring in the biological sciences and satisfies the basic biology requirement for entrance into medical school and most other health professions schools.
Instructors tab content
Sections tab content
Section B01
- Type: Lab
- Section: B01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 22
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40424
- Schedule: T 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 103
Section B02
- Type: Lab
- Section: B02
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 23
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40425
- Schedule: T 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 105
Section B03
- Type: Lab
- Section: B03
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 22
- Class Number: 40426
- Schedule: T 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - No Room Required NO ROOM RQ
Section B04
- Type: Lab
- Section: B04
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 23
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40427
- Schedule: W 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 103
Section B05
- Type: Lab
- Section: B05
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 22
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40429
- Schedule: W 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 105
Section B06
- Type: Lab
- Section: B06
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 16
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40430
- Schedule: Th 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 103
Section B07
- Type: Lab
- Section: B07
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 15
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40431
- Schedule: Th 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 105
Section B08
- Type: Lab
- Section: B08
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 14
- Capacity: 22
- Class Number: 40432
- Schedule: Th 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Moffett Laboratory 112
Section B09
- Type: Lab
- Section: B09
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 16
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40447
- Schedule: F 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 103
Section B10
- Type: Lab
- Section: B10
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 15
- Capacity: 24
- Class Number: 40448
- Schedule: F 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Schultz Laboratory 105
Section L01
- Type: Lecture
- Section: L01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 166
- Capacity: 235
- Class Number: 40428
- Schedule: TTh 11:00 AM-12:20 PM - Frick Chemistry Laboratory B02
Section P01
- Type: Precept
- Section: P01
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 12
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40433
- Schedule: M 11:00 AM-11:50 AM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P02
- Type: Precept
- Section: P02
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 14
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40434
- Schedule: M 01:30 PM-02:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P03
- Type: Precept
- Section: P03
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 12
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40435
- Schedule: M 02:30 PM-03:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P04
- Type: Precept
- Section: P04
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 13
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40436
- Schedule: M 03:30 PM-04:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P05
- Type: Precept
- Section: P05
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 12
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40437
- Schedule: T 09:00 AM-09:50 AM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P06
- Type: Precept
- Section: P06
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 9
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40438
- Schedule: T 01:30 PM-02:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P07
- Type: Precept
- Section: P07
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40441
- Schedule: T 02:30 PM-03:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P08
- Type: Precept
- Section: P08
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 9
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40439
- Schedule: T 03:30 PM-04:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P09
- Type: Precept
- Section: P09
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 10
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40440
- Schedule: W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P10
- Type: Precept
- Section: P10
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 12
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40442
- Schedule: W 11:00 AM-11:50 AM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P11
- Type: Precept
- Section: P11
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 4
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40443
- Schedule: W 01:30 PM-02:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P12
- Type: Precept
- Section: P12
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 10
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40444
- Schedule: W 03:30 PM-04:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P13
- Type: Precept
- Section: P13
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 12
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40445
- Schedule: Th 09:00 AM-09:50 AM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P14
- Type: Precept
- Section: P14
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 12
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40446
- Schedule: Th 01:30 PM-02:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P15
- Type: Precept
- Section: P15
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 5
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 42662
- Schedule: Th 02:30 PM-03:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P16
- Type: Precept
- Section: P16
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 7
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40451
- Schedule: Th 03:30 PM-04:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P17
- Type: Precept
- Section: P17
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 13
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 40449
- Schedule: F 12:30 PM-01:20 PM - Thomas Laboratory 005
Section P99
- Type: Precept
- Section: P99
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 42663