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Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Machine Learning (ML)-Driven Video Systems

COS 598A

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Video applications are pervasive, ranging from streaming and virtual reality to real-time conferencing and analytics. As these applications evolve, however, they face an increasing tension between the rich experiences and strict performance objectives that users demand. For instance, many services require increasingly data-dense videos or high-accuracy (expensive) neural networks for analytics, but must operate smoothly in resource-constrained mobile settings. This research-driven class explores a range of systems and machine learning optimizations that improve the performance, efficiency, and robustness of modern video applications.
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Section S01

  • Type: Seminar
  • Section: S01
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 9
  • Capacity: 20
  • Class Number: 43013
  • Schedule: MW 09:30 AM-10:50 AM