Sculpture I
VIS 222
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This class will be a studio introduction to sculpture, with particular emphasis on the
study of how form, space, and a wide variety of materials and processes influence the
visual properties of sculpture and the making of meaning. A balance of indoor, outdoor,
and/or transient assignments will lead to the development of an understanding of
contemporary sculpture, as well as basic technical facility with found objects, common
materials, natural earthworks, ergonomics, and three-dimensional design.
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Sections tab content
Section U01
- Type: Studio
- Section: U01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 10
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 41627
- Schedule: T 12:30 PM-04:20 PM - Nassau Street, 185 102
Section U02
- Type: Studio
- Section: U02
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 6
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 42668
- Schedule: Th 12:30 PM-04:20 PM - Nassau Street, 185 102