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Rapid Switch: The Energy Transition Challenge to a Low-carbon Future

ENE 372/EGR 372/ENV 372

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The Paris Accord signaled global consensus on the need for a rapid switch to clean energy and industrial production. In recent years this resulted in ever increasing pledges by nations, states and organizations to reach net-zero by midcentury. Not well understood are the immense scale and speed of this transformation. Princeton's Net-Zero America study and similar efforts in Australia and elsewhere have provided highly granular insights on the implications for the environment, finances, jobs, and diverse stakeholder interests. Students will build on these insights with interdisciplinary case studies for ambitious zero emissions hubs.
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Section L01

Section P01

Section P99

  • Type: Precept
  • Section: P99
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 7
  • Capacity: 18
  • Class Number: 42798