American Sign Language
- ASL 101: Beginner's American Sign Language IThis course is the first course in the introductory American Sign Language (ASL) course sequence. The primary goal is to build a strong foundation for attaining proficiency in American Sign Language and understanding Deaf culture. Students will acquire basic vocabulary and grammar through in-class interactive activities, and out-of-class readings and exercises. Students also will focus on developing visual skills, which are critical to attaining proficiency in ASL. In addition, students will be introduced to Deaf/disability studies, including American Deaf culture and history.
- ASL 105: Intermediate American Sign LanguageAn intermediate language course that aims to strengthen students' communication and comprehension skills. Students will broaden their grammar and vocabulary through viewing and analyzing various ASL videos. Students also will practice holding conversations about a wide variety of topics following Deaf cultural norms through interactive activities. This includes discussing the topics of Deaf culture and disability justice.
- ASL 208: Medical Discourse in American Sign LanguageAn advanced language course where students practice discussing various medical topics in ASL using different registers. They will broaden their grammar/vocabulary for everyday conversations and develop a knowledge of specialized vocabulary in the medical and mental health fields. Course will emphasize medical and mental health issues facing Deaf people in the U.S., e.g. the relationship between disability and medicine and Deaf experience in the health care system. Students will learn how they can be effective allies of Deaf people in different medical settings through role-play exercises and learning from Deaf people about their experiences.