My Health Coach: Walk, Dance, or Ski Your Way to Heart Health
This article covers the 3 main types of exercise, the recommended guidelines for a healthy heart and body, and tips to get you moving through the winter months.
2025 Eduroam Certificate Update
On Thursday, February 6, starting at 6:00 a.m., OIT will update a certificate which is used to authenticate users on the eduroam wireless network.
Register for Women in Construction Week Events!
A week of programming, events, and tours open to all in Facilities.
2024 Facilities Award Winners!
The nominations and deliberations are complete! Facilities is thrilled to honor six staff award winners and one Friends of Facilities award for 2024.
Letter from Kyu - January 2025
As we gear up for the year ahead, I’d like to recap where we are and share with you some areas of focus in the coming year.
Kudos for Gus Bing's Team at the Museum
From Aric Davala, Museum Facilities Manager I wanted to thank you all for taking on this special cleaning detail for the Musuem, this went very well last night and looks great! This will certainly help in the coming weeks gain control over the dust and debris making the art installations much easier.
Kudos from EHS for James Buzgo
From Kelly States, Director of Campus Safety & Health I just wanted to send a note to express my appreciation for something Jamey Buzgo did yesterday. As I was walking across campus near Bloomberg Hall, I came across a missing paver in the roadway that presented a tripping hazard. Jamey was driving by and I…
Kudos for Jim Sullivan, Carpenter Shop
From Steve Flanagan, Retail Operations Manager, Frist Campus Dining I want to say Jim Sullivan does such a great job on every project I asked him to do. I asked him to do some work in some of my cafés I oversee and some work for concession. I recently asked him if he can make inserts, to…
Kudos from Gus Bing for his Custodial Team
As I reflect on my two years here at Princeton, I want to give my entire staff well-deserved kudos for their outstanding support and dedication in maintaining the historic areas of Princeton University. From major events like Baccalaureate, Class Day, Commencement, the Robing Ceremony, and Faculty Room setups, to the reopening of Prospect House and partial coverage of PUAM, their efforts have been exemplary. This team consistently identifies deficiencies to ensure timely repairs and provides daily coverage for the ten buildings under our care. I deeply appreciate the hard work and dedication shown by every team member — from our longest-serving employee of forty years to our newest hires. Their commitment to Teamwork, Innovation, inteGrity, inclusivEness, Respect, and Sustainability is evident in everything they do. I am truly grateful. Thank you all! Gus Bing | Supervisor
Kudos for Mark Murray, Carpenter Shop
From: Aviva Seltzer, Office of the Registrar Would you please extend a hearty thank you to Mark, the workman who came this morning to hang my pictures? They look beautiful!