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Gerard Roldan Wins Tableau Day Competition

Gerard Roldan won first place in the Data Viz Competition hosted by OIT.

Mon Apr 1, 2024

The Center for Data Analytics & Reporting in the Office of Information Technology recently hosted a Tableau Day at 701 Carnegie. 

One part of the half-day’s events was a data visualization competition. Contestants were challenged to create a visualization from a set of provided data related to course offerings at four California universities. They were called to “use the provided data to analyze trends and discover insights that shed light on the changing landscape of higher education.” Participants organized the data using Tableau, a business intelligence and analytics software with user friendly visualization capabilities.  

Gerard Roldan, Manager, Data Analytics and Reporting in Facilities Finance and Administrative Services, won the competition!  

“We each had to present our Tableau dashboards in 5 minutes,” said Roldan. “I presented how users can use my dashboard and, in a few clicks, identify stories and high-level trends in the large dataset spanning more than 100 years of curriculum data.  I then briefly spoke about Berkeley University, J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Manhattan Project, and how my dashboard reveals the Physics curriculum changing at Berkeley in the 1950s (post WWII).”  

Participants submitted their dashboards ahead of the competition. Judges from Princeton and Interworks—the vendor that manages Princeton’s Tableau subscription—selected the top three entries. The three dashboard designers presented to a live and zoom audience on Tableau Day. The audience’s vote determined first, second and third place. 

Hosted on Pi Day (March 14), the event was dedicated to all things data visualization and programming centered around the use of Tableau. In addition to the competition, the day featured workshops and speakers from Princeton, Tableau and Interworks. Daniel Debelak, Manager, Business Intelligence in Operations, presented on residential college maintenance data.